Sunday, December 16, 2012

The ongoing journey

since august of 2012 i have been on a journey.  I have searched for the color at the top of light and reached for the sensation coming from warmth when the radiant mind of man kind is stimulated to the extent that can no longer be reached for.
Paris.  A place a physical place with street corners walkways and vendors.  But the place I am in and
will always attempt to live within is not a physical place in reality but a beautiful aroma to the way I
have come to think.  To the girl who walks through the city of love alone I call out to you specifically
and cry the shuttered words.   I am here.   Here to take your creativity and sap grown eyes with tears of
faith to the bottom.  You think that you have experienced the true lust for life but in all actuality you are
looking through the lens of a straw.   Your one bit two thought third person point of view is breaking
the  soul.  You cannot come up to the top until the world has taken you to the bottom.  The lowest low
beneath the dirt.  Into the inner core of our earth.   How do you feel?  I think that it would not be a fun
felt desire; now are you worried about what I think?   Get originality and push through the sediment of
the mantle. reach through the lithospheric crust of the earth and stand.  Now you are back to where the
standards of the world were before they crushed you.  Do not stop, follow the path created by the
creator for the follower to lead his people home.   Take nirvana with bolt and plunge the so called
paradise through my heart.  Make my vessels bleed and shake the cup of worldliness into a bowl of
service.   When you create the want and desire to be original then stop.  Your here, you are in Paris.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


A Desert
Written by BruceBurkar
God walks silently
Across our landscape
Of life.

Although unseen -

He leaves His indelible mark
On the parched desert sands
Of our hearts.

And in so doing -

Turns our desert
Into a springtime garden
Of love

I am Jealous of the short memo to life to get the subject across.  "God walks silently across our landscape of life"
I love this

Monday, December 3, 2012

Response To My Thoughts

Cast your breath and fog the shade.  Luminosity of the bulb is a print of the thumb on your mind.

responses below:
-uhh cool, what was that though
-Either that was a mass text or a picture.  I think.  but anyways, my phone didn't get that.
-I like that :)
-Who is this?
-my dad is wise
-you lost me there.
-they don't think it be like it is, but it do.
-Um hi who is this
-4 facebook likes

Dialogue parts 1-12

These people have no relation to people of the real world neither will they have the names of the following.  Jennifer,  Abby, or Mike. 

Summit:  I have been dreaming down the day that I could walk without these sores on my eyes and feel the arms of the trees once more as I climb them and try to see the extent of latitude I can achieve.  When the sky blows with its heavenly bellows breathing beats and frequency into my heart.  I hope for the time that my funnels on the side of my skull can be the intake for a good message to move along.  

Ferdinand:  Summit you once said that to being dreaming is to be in reality with our agency to debate with ourselves and conflict with others.  You can try to go and reach and to the extended arm pulling you up, you will have to say thank you, but when beats stops and the pitch lowers all that you have is an empty recycled bin of ideas from the world.

Summit:  Empty?...  Full?  I think that the latter is the suited choice for my thoughts.

Ferdinand:  Alright but what is a thought?  What is a neuron of power with words that have already been said?

Summit:  My bin is overwhelmed at the brim.  Why is originality such a promise that we try to keep in our hearts.  I am an original person by being a fake.  By being who?  The guy who set the stage of talents to mimic and place the mirror in front of you.  To improve is where we come in with our purity and soul.  

Ferdinand:  Wallowing with expansion to expound on expense.   To improve or to reverse the acceleration of what was, and to see that it follows us until the path ends and then the delta of the ideas and streams can poor into any direction, but only a few will make it to the  mass body of our liquified mind.

Summit:  The most powerful phrase to turn the lights and set the emotion.....................  what if  ?
what if I could have been the one to change how your children thought.  Future generations can be inflicted like a needle pressing into a sore thumb.  a drop of blood has told you that what you are currently experiencing is pain and next time the situation rises you will stay clear of it.  This is a learned ability.  My idea is a learned one and is also one that will be taught.  The idea that was already tried and has now been succeeded because of triumph.

Ferdinand:  ..............................................................Im done in this dream of debating with myself.  The time is strong and time is leaving.  I guess what I am trying to say is....  Go for it.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

I'm here

submerged in a blanket of shadow with the one contrast striking my pours 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Take Heed

In this time all I ask is for you to listen.  Try to picture the rhythm of which I speak and the tone that I am trying to get across.
Life has the voyage and the truth.  Life has the choice for agency and thats why we are here.  We chose for this mortal existence.
the steps in life are there to walk on.. to follow and to embark onto.  We try to tread the steps and we try to fall were our foot lands but sometimes the nature inside of us chooses a different course.  I am here to tell you the steps to follow if you want to remain in the state, the state of mind the state of the world.  first.  you must learn that we are in the beautiful place to enjoy it.  We are not here to sit in worries and whim in despair.  I say unto you that life is great so drop the act and cut the emotion of pain because we are here to enjoy.  to have fun.   Second.  this life is not just for you.  I want you to go and grab the next persons shoulders you see and embrace them into a hug.  fill others with warmth.  your new goal that will remain forever is to make others happy as well as your self.  this doesn't mean that you can just drop life like a role playing hippy and ditch the jobs.  Your still a member of this society and you need to contribute to what you know is right.  don't be some free loader that sits on the pipe with the smoke bellowing out of your lungs and the streams of licker pouring from your crease between your lips.  Things like those are walls.  They are there so that you cant see past them and if you don't say no and get over them the first time then your trapped for good and the only way to get up and over is going to be the sharp path of stones launching into you while with every try you take the wall gains a rapidly in height and size.  Third.   Find love.  I cannot wait for the day that i can kneel at an alter and express my love to a spouse.  If you can find love with  someone then you have success in life because if you made the right choice then you can both get each other through thick and thin, don't ride on the thin ice waiting for the cracks to come to you and for you to drown.  Make yourself happy by making someone else happier.  Fourth share your knowledge with others.  You have a brain, great now use it to help the man or woman next to you.  We all go into life with cold feet and get nourished up in different homes with different rules and different experiences.  our experiences create who we are and what we can do. If you can teach one another about your perspective then new ideas can flow and build upon others.  The technology of the modern day wasn't originally thought up and did not come from scratch.  It came from a previous idea that someone else was able to build on and then you know what... you just might have the next big commodity for us.  Fifth is reflect.  Like an image in a still glass pond you see the sky and when you stand over it, are you pleased with what you see?  Can you honestly look back on your life and say wow.  Wow I have had a good, not good but great life and along the way I did a lot for society.  Are you pleased with who you are, what you did, and how you got there?  If so then awesome but the truth is we all have regrets but you know what hey thats part of life.  I regret what I told a girl last week.  I regret a lot but then about a year ago I said to myself... hey as long as life is in gear and you can keep the crank moving with a smile and help a few people along the way then that makes up for it.  live and listen, life is here for you.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


CREATIVITY IS NOT A THING BUT A PLACE IN YOUR MIND WHERE YOU TRY TO THINK AND THEN THE ONLY THOUGHTS YOU GET IS WHEN YOUR THOUGHTS ARE DONE.  DONT YOU THINK THAT THE WORLD WOULD BE MORE INTERESTING IF THE GRASS GREW ON THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH WAS JUST HEMISPHER ON THE SKUULL OF THE UNIVERSE AND MARS WAS THE NAVAL PASSAGE WAY.   the first time that i decided that i was creative was the time that i wrote.  i wrote about lies.  lies are about as creative as it can get.  a lie is a spure of thought moment when the brain and the mouth connect with a ball of passion in the center.  you thought up a lie off the top of your head you didnt prepare or determine what yo would say you would just try to do it without the effort.  listening to music is like the heroin for my thoughts it sends them on the jitters and sometimes i my hands start to shake

my hand shakes and creates a flow,  a stroke is actually a better discription of what actually happens.  i am an artist i try to use my abilities to express my thought but in all reality the greatest artist in the world could not retain my thoughts.       most men think of things as a dull subject and they focus on the moment and where there going to be.   the woman have there things to worry about twenty four six.   not seven but six.  the seventh day is sunday and that is gods day.  if you dare to take from your creater and waste your time in thought instead of moment of love then just fall to you knees and bring him into the conversaton of your mind.   let him determine what to do and let him try to help.   sorry for the off subject rant of raven. 
back to the subject of art.   what is art.  in the mental dictionary of my thoughts it reads that art is the ability to take a stand.  art is in any form.  right now i am just sitting bobbin in my seat listening to franz ferdinand and if i were to play the drums on the keyboard it would look like this..........

jkl;wefjkdfuifdfklsksksladfjfigfkopasd';oasdf'd'd'dd6d336dc333x3sd3s3s3s3s3s3 3 3 33 3  33 /. hkd';asdfdejkldkldkldkldkldkldpkl2`34`567u8i9o0p[jjjjjjjjj lokhlskdnmkfjonkkdkdkkdkdkdkdkdkdoeoeoeoeoe3oeoeoe9e9eke9eke9eke9eke9

now that i have bashed my fingers into the keyboard people are starting to look but thats okay!  i want to be noticed.  i want to stand out and i want people to look at me.  use the pupil hole in the center of your eye to focus and focus close when i say.....
y.  y . y  .  y    . y     .          why?

Monday, November 12, 2012

stolen from DESERET

News killed the night and blamed the day.  with power, people storm in threats and barely hit anything.

Spend the beginning of his love in the earnest campaign

the pain of the world is there for the taking

Pain in life comes from just living.  There is always something to get you down if you let it and a lot of the time you have to because thats just the only way to cope with yourself.  People are my primary source of pain. You can attempt to hurt me in any physical matter but the truth is, is that it will do nothing.   The physical abuse will leave a mark but marks are temporary and when you emotionally tamper with my thoughts i may as well have killed myself.  I cant sit around and not worry because i worry about the worries.  I know that I am suppose to be able to withstand all the evils of the provocative world but the truth is that life arouses uncomfortable thoughts and when people play with them as if it is a game of charades that only leaves an open end for guessing.   You kept me guessing and then I decided to think.  The biggest mistake I ever made was to think to use my imagination to create.   I am gifted with thoughts.  They tell me things and i tell myself things and the circuits of brain waves flow in and out of the surreal capasity of my skull.  You tried to ask for my heart back.  You cheated you lied you did it all in front of my face.   I sat in the row behind with the cold leather seats and i watched.  I watched for a second and then a minute and then I gave up on you.   Life is unbearable when the person your trying to go through life with is with someone else.  So i raise my chalice to you and say have fun with your night but when it is over don't come back.  I know that you will and I will want you back but when x and y = pain and the x is life then the only solution to equal the pain is you.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

words in pairs of one

warmth. body. heat. close. woman. hands. holding. affection.  passions.  lust.  obsession. addiction.  heroin.  friends.  down.  pits.  trust.  nobody.  life.  secrets.  bottled.  drunk.  past.  unguided.  tried.  lived. sorrow.  listen. hear. beautiful.  sounds. melodies.  tones.  raised.  bar.  expectations. stress. life's.  meditate.  long.  far. distance. yonder. yodeler.  vibration. phones.  contact.  space.  flies.  worlds.  watching. modern.  abstract.  thoughts.  paint.  creativity.  imagine.  infant.  child. pubescent.  adult. elderly.  wise.  advise.  listen.  wind.  kites. grandpa.  grandma.  four.  missions. life. love. cute.  fashioned.  steel.  wheel.  shoulder.  lay.  soft. depth. deep. down. you.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


The time that the world was the youth and the youth filled the universe.  I remember when creativity was not something thought up but just something that i did.  I remember the days when I could sit home alone and not have to worry about locking them every time I went out.  I remember strolling down the street in my patagonia purple fleece jacket.  I remember when I could fish without thought and walk without pondering, just enjoying every frame of life as it went by.  I remember catching and watching tadpoles grow and only 8 of the 12 survived.  I remember when survival was a wish in a prayer when i was lost.  I remember understanding the wrongs i did and debating weather to come back.  I remember when "On the house" was still a friendly gesture often to be used.  I remember the man who use to place m&ms on the lid of my cup of hot coco.  i remember the time I thought I could race across the street and waking up 40 feet from where i stood.  I remember the bolt they plunged through my femur and the system of weights to stretch me how they thought i needed to be.  I remember when stress was never even a though.  I remember when they told me I could go back on the slopes.  I remember breaking my leg on the 1st run.  I remember sharing an avocado with my grandpa sitting on a freezer in the back of a restaurant.  I remember when common courtesy was a legit thing, when manners applied, and minds and gutters had no relation.  I remember the time I set my neck on fire.  I remember the 1st hernia, I also remember the 2nd.  I remember the 1st time drugs were in my reach and I said no.  I remember my favorite person,  my great grandpa.  I remember when I was on my way to visit him and on my way he went on his way out of mortal life.  I remember the tears that created the bath of loss in my mind.  I remember the obituary hanging in my room because it is still there. I remember my 1st real conversation with God.  I remember being on my bed side talking for hours.  I remember what I asked and I remember what he said.  I remember the plan of happiness.  His warm arms surrounded me like an electric blanket filling my skin with warmth.  I remember the new type of warmth, when it fills my heart and inside as well,  I will never forget the warmth of my Heavenly Father.  I remember the time he helped when i felt like life was an over rated thing.  I remember the rod of Iron as it pulled me into the correct direction.  I remember the time like the time remembers the day and the day remembers every step that is taken on the sun heated soil of the land. I remember and I will never forget.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

demand like a rebel

spasm in your heart. sit in a box staring at the this side up upside down and think about all the crap you have done.  You aren't allowed to touch anything in the name of rock.  You sit standing and slide sitting.  You think your cool?  Stop!  your plagiarized life is going no where.  your filmed according life to try to impress is slowly falling away.  You cant go and make a new thing.  creation is bad.  fold up your note book and tear it... now stop.  thats way to inspiring.   hemp straps wrap along the geometric figures of life.  the seed is born to see the world from inside a box.  the sun creeps into a crack only to liquidate its rays onto the floor under the dinning room table.  lips against the window.  Don't do this.  We were not meant to rock we are sheltered pieces in a sketched out game created by the faded figure in the holes in the sky above.  brothers and sisters on an electronical system streaming the Gs as if the F# is the only way to a diminished future.  life is lame juice boxes getting holes from over expansion in the freezer.  the cubes of lemonade in cucumber water to quench your distasteful thirst.

Basically these reasons of why not to rock are rules meant for you to break and the other stuff is mind flowing thoughts while listening to my tunes of sensation.
Thank you
-Summit Endori for LIFE

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

support for the skull with a cotton woven hole

this thing is HUGE.  i have a fricken neck.  i put on my abstract shirt on and the neck hole is too big.  i feel like a slut with my woven hole around my neck its too big i feel like one side will slip off and reveal my sun shy body.  holy smokes.  woven hole for the skull.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

bricks build nations and duct tape is just the service of help to hold everything together.

A stone lay upon another stone.  the mount grows and creates warmth and protection and a sense of security.  Stacked.   unmovable.  placed with delicate care and and the end fill the heart of somebody with the sense of accomplishment.  The earliest  form of a non nomadic life style home.  The stones come in many shapes and sizes until one day a person realized that he can chisel the rocks into any shape and feature his not hers but maybe her wildest imagination could fill.  later after that thought process somebody realized that you could heat up clay...  mud and let it dry to create a human made rock in a perfect shape by using a heat and compression.  the world seemed to be complete and every body felt as if the wheat was used for flowers and batteries were a thing of the past, until one day MR. WINSTON MCVAN MCLAIR... DUCT  created what is now known today as the solution for all worries whims and sorrows, or in other words rips, breaks and a clean shave of the top lip.  This was incredible with its beautiful versatile adhesion it had with anything.
Alexandriam the fantastic of all of the men raided a duct tape factory.  The demand was incredible and then he decided that he needed to find a new use.  he folded it into a circle with the sticky side out and placed it between bricks for a strong hold and the two have been companions ever since.

Bricks & Duct Tape:  a weapon for torture, builds a foundation, can silence even the most harmful of animals, death,  substance of love, appetizer at a wedding, etc.......................................................................................

Saturday, October 13, 2012

To be living in a dead manner

sometimes.   Sometimes or never.  maybe just to think about it...... incomplete.   thats what living is for a made up statistic of 99 POINT 999 percent of people walking around this earth as we think speak and talk about what we will do, could do, want to do.  I want to go and fight my way to the top of the alpha male chain.  am i really going to do that.  probably not.  

There was once a family of lions who lived in the worlds greatest pride.  the arrogant aroma filled every passage of your mind every time the gazelle would walk past.   They were told to be the greatest animal.  The king!  But really they are a large cat that sits in the sun all day with a loud roar and travel in groups so that they do not get picked off as well as the rest of the food chain.  They try to hard to stay on top and follow their own title.  The lioness might dream of the male doing the gathering and hunting but will that really happen.... No  This lion, the male,  is not living.  he is a pigment of solid color moving through time hoping to flaunt his main and catch the chemical attraction of the woman and that is about all the action he will ever see.   Don't be like this.  

PUddle pudDLE  PuDlE PuDdle.   drip onto the floor and the and slowly the adhesion of the drops stick together to make a shape.  and new form of ink blotting except with the puddles its not always ink.    you can use your own bodily fluids.  You can sit depressed creating in a room with time without meaning.  Cutting into your thumb or maybe your index finger with any sharp articles you can get ahold on.  Meteorites of red fluid drops and explodes and sticks.  What do you see in it?
If you said a rabbit  (\(\
                               0(")(")    Then your creativity is lacking.  You see the face of a child smiling and looking out the window at a hoard of people.   the people look at the wall and see only the impurity of the world.  you can almost taste as the hormones spit into their faces.  

are you going to go and be inspired by any of this crap that i just spread out for you.  probably not and thats why your not living  YOUR DEAD  you just cant admit it to yourself yet.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Think thought and distraught

Oh, is she talking to me, I don't understand i cant tell if she want me to say yes or no.  I need help.  does she like me?  who knows.  Holy crap do all brains move at a hundred miles an hour.  I know that she is sending hints but when it comes down to it a hint is more like a suggestion and what if the hint is for something else.  i think that the air ventilation system is blowing warm air and its hot enough as it is.  Hot HOT  gee.  i need to understand.  is she cold.  she says she is but i don't know.  i cant help but think that she want me to put my arm around her.  is that weird am i just a hormonal enraged guy with testosterone up and out of the roof of my embarrassment.  These sentences are long i hope the grammar in this doesn't totally blow and then people will think m an idiot.  I promise i just think she's cute i never said i had compassion for her i just think that she has personality.  That guy in the corner is whipped.  why are girls so demanding.  i just want to leave society with a woman into the mountains and live in the wood with her.  why cant the world be more simple.  the devil... thats why.  The devil is a son of gun that points everywhere and shoots all and his temptations fill my mind with aroused terrible thoughts.  i hate the devil.  Why can he be a physical being that i can just shoot and forget about for ever.  because you cant forget.  remember that lie you just told.  and if you didn't then your life is a either a lie or your fricken close to perfect.  I want to do something with this weekend is that wrong.  maybe i'm just horny... probably but i don't know.  I really want to be an artist because i feel like i have some talent but in all reality being my own worst critic bite me in the butt of my life every day.  I cant believe my little brothers friend every time he comes over he demands a shake.  he asks first and its all cute but then he demand and you just want to push him into a pit of vipers and let some giant squid attack him and vomit him into the lions den.  Daniel in the lions den.  what a cool story of truth.  I need to go to work but in all honesty i hate that place the only reason i stay is for the friends and the money too but if i could have a job el swear that wasn't a piece of crap i would be all for it.  I need to look up every once in a while.  the red lines under my words are in a love hate relationship. with me.  The correct me but make me feel like my grammar is in the dump and then the world biggest ostrage with turds the sized of real big turds and it just dropped it on my canvas, paper.  i like the word canvas it makes it feel like its more that just your sketch and thought. this is a sketch of my thoughts and embrace them or not you can choose but all i know is that life judges too much and we are the worst examples.  alright well time to go and make terrible food for costumers making more than me.  oh joy

Monday, September 24, 2012

scared to turn

I fear.  I FEAR.  i fear that when i look up ill only see down.  i fear that when i look at my life i see no future.  i dont look with my eyes i see with my thought and when their alert they give me lot of pictures and tones, values, and shades.  the color makes no sense i try to see the plain in things.  i look at the guy who follows me around and telling me provocative things.  he sits in the corner under the light submerged in nothing but shadow.  always afraid to fear what it is a man, a woman. to see, see, look, sight, sense, hear, speak, taste,  the sense of which it cannot display.  only for my mind to create a ray,  a ray more like a laser shooting into the sky with the light trying to see how hight it can fly only to reach a stopping point and die.  I fear what fears me,  what people see as fear i see new thought.  my mind on the hemisphere of creativity burns and spins.  it almost feels as if i am about to die, die and now i listen to the clouds and whisper into the holes in sky always knowing that it sees with its eyes.

Monday, September 17, 2012


you go into the iris first looking at the radiant color.  the beautiful strokes of small crystals weaving through the exquisite lens.  the auto focus and aperture of the round circle.  the circle.  a never ending pigmented destination without an end.  the value of shadow hits the line of the brow so delightful.  YOU THINK THAT YOU SEE THEIR FACE and then you realized that there is more, more, more to the common speculation that is being presented and made.  You see the ridge of the cheek and realized it is the most gorgeous thing you have ever seen.  the red blush and natural definition that shows the almost befuddling features.  you wonder what is going through their head.  if its about you.  your anxiety almost thrashed your inside to pieces.  your sick.  sick of not knowing what is for you to understand.  sick of looking and seeing your reflection in those endless eyes and not knowing if the stare and gaze is for you.  you love them. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

the complex mind of the man.  about age unknown i saw it.  the people behind me whispering into my head.   telling me what i didnt know and what i shouldnt of heard.  the dark wallls slowly enclose as the cracks in the crate are all the iris can see as we get carried into the plain of intellectual worth.  he comes to me and saiys that she says that i think, who thought to have a world.  Universe, galaxy with wholes of heaven becoming the peep holes into our future, destiny eve.  They people all around gossip, spread like a disease under the attack of crime.  crime taken into judgement by a supreme follower to decide your fate.  fate a thing that only an unworldly power can determine in which our image is made in the beuty of this world as the chord of life feeds and nurtures us.  Eurobamate with the energy of Herb and raven on the cold neck as the first offense travels to the stream of life.  You black out...... away into the mind with your every thought and compultion like a bolt of thunder and the noise of lightening.  the sky opens with light for the crack of the whip hits the clouds and opens into a star.  the one that i see in the night and twelve hours later she will see it to from india.  the exact furthest place form this place.  i sit in a room.  sitting sitting sitting as the hammer on the tabs of fate create works taht only i can understand.  i dont need you for my grammer i have my own thoughts and i may just be having a gay old time when the world dips into what i see as the world raising into the hills.  the nonsense and sense of these thing i write matter not to me because they are from me not you.  if your lack of understandment cannot follow then it just proves how different we all are.  agency thought skin my hair and eyes.  i am human and if you say different the you can follow as a repeat the word agensy to show how i feel, emotion, thoughts moving at hundreds of meters per second with ideas that can revelutionize how you walk talk think say and do.  i am human and i create. 

Friday, August 31, 2012

narwhal,  that is what this blog will be like...  A large object moving through time with little acknowledgement but a sort of sensational aspect will always follow.  This blog is for the reader who wants to hear something from me.  not him or her or that guy way over in the distance in some wild four dimensional plain.  This is a gift from me to the reader.  My name is Summit Endori.  Endori means within laughter.