Tuesday, November 13, 2012


CREATIVITY IS NOT A THING BUT A PLACE IN YOUR MIND WHERE YOU TRY TO THINK AND THEN THE ONLY THOUGHTS YOU GET IS WHEN YOUR THOUGHTS ARE DONE.  DONT YOU THINK THAT THE WORLD WOULD BE MORE INTERESTING IF THE GRASS GREW ON THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH WAS JUST HEMISPHER ON THE SKUULL OF THE UNIVERSE AND MARS WAS THE NAVAL PASSAGE WAY.   the first time that i decided that i was creative was the time that i wrote.  i wrote about lies.  lies are about as creative as it can get.  a lie is a spure of thought moment when the brain and the mouth connect with a ball of passion in the center.  you thought up a lie off the top of your head you didnt prepare or determine what yo would say you would just try to do it without the effort.  listening to music is like the heroin for my thoughts it sends them on the jitters and sometimes i my hands start to shake

my hand shakes and creates a flow,  a stroke is actually a better discription of what actually happens.  i am an artist i try to use my abilities to express my thought but in all reality the greatest artist in the world could not retain my thoughts.       most men think of things as a dull subject and they focus on the moment and where there going to be.   the woman have there things to worry about twenty four six.   not seven but six.  the seventh day is sunday and that is gods day.  if you dare to take from your creater and waste your time in thought instead of moment of love then just fall to you knees and bring him into the conversaton of your mind.   let him determine what to do and let him try to help.   sorry for the off subject rant of raven. 
back to the subject of art.   what is art.  in the mental dictionary of my thoughts it reads that art is the ability to take a stand.  art is in any form.  right now i am just sitting bobbin in my seat listening to franz ferdinand and if i were to play the drums on the keyboard it would look like this..........

jkl;wefjkdfuifdfklsksksladfjfigfkopasd';oasdf'd'd'dd6d336dc333x3sd3s3s3s3s3s3 3 3 33 3  33 /. hkd';asdfdejkldkldkldkldkldkldpkl2`34`567u8i9o0p[jjjjjjjjj lokhlskdnmkfjonkkdkdkkdkdkdkdkdkdoeoeoeoeoe3oeoeoe9e9eke9eke9eke9eke9

now that i have bashed my fingers into the keyboard people are starting to look but thats okay!  i want to be noticed.  i want to stand out and i want people to look at me.  use the pupil hole in the center of your eye to focus and focus close when i say.....
y.  y . y  .  y    . y     .          why?

1 comment:

  1. people are starting to look but thats okay! i want to be noticed

    This post is awesome.

    I love the music you have on here. It's way good.
