Can you lash on another and another until the tower of babel sinks beneath its clustered light?
When each strand of the planted material is loosened because it breaks under the pressure exerted on it from the force of gravity weighing it down and salt drops fall from the crease of your lower eye lid because what you love and created is now a fire pile on the ground.
newton is a great guy but sometimes he just holds me down with his laws and rules.
I dreamt of the far ground over there. It is about 200 yard from me and I am on a cliff, a cliff hanger that dropped off because the passion was going nowhere anytime soon and I did not have the energy or patience to wait.
Have you ever seen a paranoid man? Is he there when the mirror stairs into your eyes with the same intensity that you gaze into the reflected glass piece?
Patience and waiting.. Preoccupied and stating because the beautiful aroma from what I imagined is there, its here, in front of my very face it stands.. she stands in front of me now and she misses the one who treats the ground in front of her with harsh foot placements and I was there with a love to place down like an endless strip of my soul to fall in front of her because I cared and secretly I wanted to pull it away so that she could see that the one she was following was leaving uneven soil for her thoughts to run on, and stumble. I will do anything to prevent a bruised scuffed knee though and so I continued to let more and more of my soul fall before her feet, but I was in love with the thought of being in love. She was the one though and I feel like I am to immature to realize it but with her cast of light that wrap my heart I still love her and so now I pull the smooth path for her to find the rigid earth surface and realize that he deceived her. She realized this and now steps back onto where she knows a smooth path is available and waiting for her.
Twigs and twine with a lashing between is not for the strong and that is why it fails and I use materials of strength to achieve and hold what I love most and so I see a rope and bars and chains and cement lying in the dirt. I built the foundation and I was a rock for her because for her I cannot change because I would rather suffer a knife blade scraping down my back then build my love on the sand.
I waited and I was patient and I love her and I finally replaced my windows with walls so that I am finally visible from the inside, and not some translucent voice trying to get through where the white noise was present.